Medicine Park Mental Health OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition where individuals experience intrusive, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and feel compelled to perform repetitive behaviors (compulsions) to alleviate anxiety. These symptoms can interfere with daily life, relationships, and well-being. At Medicine Park Mental Health, we offer compassionate, evidence-based treatment to help individuals manage OCD and regain control over their thoughts and actions.

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that may be extreme or disturbing. The obsessions are accompanied by uncomfortable feelings such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a feeling that things have to be “just right.” These obsessions occur over and over again and feel outside of the person’s control. Common obsessions can include:
  • Contamination
  • Perfectionism
  • Harm coming to oneself or to others
  • Loss of control over one’s actions
  • Unwanted intrusive thoughts, usually violent or sexual
  • Religious obsessions (also referred to as “scrupulosity”)
Compulsions are excessive, repetitive behaviors or “mental acts” (e.g., thought suppression, counting, or praying) that a person uses to try to neutralize or make their obsessions or distress go away. People with OCD usually recognize that using compulsions is only a temporary solution, but without any other way to cope, they rely on compulsions as a brief escape. Common compulsions can include:
  • Frequent, excessive washing and/or cleaning
  • Frequent, excessive checking (e.g., that the door is locked, or that the oven is off)
  • Repeating
  • Mental compulsions (e.g., counting, praying, and reviewing)
  • Frequent, excessive reassurance seeking (e.g., asking “Are you sure I’m going to be OK?”)
  • Avoiding situations that may trigger obsessions

How is OCD treated?

The most effective treatments for OCD are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and/or medication. More specifically, the most effective and evidence-based treatments are a type of CBT called exposure and response prevention (ERP) and/or a class of medications called serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SRIs. OCD treatment can be difficult and requires a lot of courage and determination. Having a support network during treatment can make all the difference.